Month: January 2017

Raising kids in the era of Trump: Articles

Young girl at Women's March (2017) holding a sign she made that reads "kindness matters"

Keira Relph, age 6 – Women’s March 2017

If you’re wondering how to talk to your children about the current POTUS, wondering what you can do to foster an interest in activism, or want to teach your children to be kind to all humans, then welcome to the club.  Below is a list of articles and blog posts regarding raising kids in the era of Trump, compiled for you by your friendly Punk Mamas!

This is the first page in a series of resources aimed at providing information and resources for raising kids in the era of Trump.  Stay tuned for a list of children’s books, which will be coming soon!

Advice from psychologists on raising kids well in Trump’s America; Huffington Post

Be the heroes our children need in the Trump era; The Tennessean

Calling Obama ‘one of the best parenting examples,’ dad offers child rearing tips for the Trump era; The Blaze

How to talk to kids about hatred and hostility in the Trump era; Slate

I’m Terrified of Raising a Boy in Trump’s America

In Trump era, monkey see, monkey do isn’t child’s play; Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law

My view: Parenting with privilege in the era of Trump; Deseret News

Parenting in the era of Trump; San Francisco Chronicle

Parenting in the Trump era: How to prepare your child for racial and ethnic violence without ruining their innocence; Dr. Candice M.D. 

Raising kids in a Donald Trump era; Valley Stream Mom

Seven strategies for raising confident girls in the Trump era; Mashable

Talk honestly with children about race in the Donald Trump era; U.S. News 

Teaching out children to think critically in the Trump era; American Institute for Learning and Human Development

What happens to my children’s identity now?; Independent

Wise advice from Brené Brown on talking with our kids about political rhetoric; Chicago Now

I’m sure this list will grow, so check back soon!  And if we left a good source off the list, please share it with us in a comment below!


Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to Punk Mamas!

Punk Mamas started in early 2016 as “a private Facebook group where punk mamas can openly discuss pregnancy, childbirth, raising children, and motherhood!”  Started as a small group of mothers within the hardcore scene, it has now become a group of 500 punk women in all stages of motherhood sharing encouraging stories and supporting one another.  There are mothers on the west coast, east coast, overseas and everywhere in between; women trying to conceive, pregnant, first-time mothers, step-mothers, adoptive mothers – ALL mothers; those who stay home, those who are lawyers, teachers, librarians, tattoo artists, doulas, and everything in between.  This diverse group has been a blessing for many who needed someone to turn with their pregnancy, parenting, and motherhood questions, a place to share those small parenting victories, or a place to let off a little steam in this crazy world.

With hopes of reaching and helping a larger audience, Punk Mamas will now expand as a collaborative blog.  We are not sure how this will play out yet, but are hopeful Punk Mamas will come forward with their specific stories and their tried-and-true advice to share.  If there is one thing that Punk Mamas have learned from the Facebook group, it is that there are a million different ways to be a good mother, and we hope this blog reflects that.  There will be plenty of conflicting stories, so please keep in mind that we are all doing the best we can with the information and resources that we have as individuals; there is more than one “right” way to raise happy and healthy children!  We hope others can find our stories inspiring, humorous, educational, and thought-provoking, but more than anything, we want you mamas out there to know that you are NOT alone in your journey!

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